Friday, August 20, 2010

Last Day in America

Wow thank you so much to everyone who came to see me and say a final good-bye. Your words of encouragment really mean the world to me and I will forever remember you all. For those of you who couldn't make it, you are all still in my hearts and I cannot wait to share my journey with you.

I am so overwhelmed with everything that has happened this past week. Running around Denver finding everything to help little miss me survive down in Argentina, pack two suitcases full of things and wondering if I am exceeding the weight limit because I have so much...ha. The most emotional part of this whole thing for me I think was tonight, the 19th. All of my close friends came by for one last good-bye and it is so hard to say "see you in ten months" as opposed to "see you tomorrow." But knowing I have all of their full support really gives me the strength to know I can do this. I am on an emotional rollercoaster, changing from sad to excited to anxious to nervous back to excited etc. But in the end I know I will have such an amazing time and learn so much how can I not be super excited?

I think tomorrow will be the strangest emotional feeling of my life. On one hand I turn away from the family whose always been right by my side to leave them for almost a year...but on the other hand it's finally happening, I am finally going to Argentina. I know there will be more tears more hugs and kisses, and even harder good-byes, but I know I will always have their full support in this and that is what makes me so excited. For those of you that are parents, I would strongly encourage your kids doing this in high school or college, because in the end, this kind of thing makes you a better person. I am so excited to start my life changing adventure, I just hope I feel that way when the first football game rolls around...

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