Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November 9th, 2010

well........................procrastination in writing my blog....not always the best thing in the world, but what can you do right? haha, i am assuming my dear mommy poo sent you all the questions and answers about my life here, which is good, because everything kinda blurs together and i forget what i have told, what i havent, what you all know, what you dont, etc. anyways, so if you ever have any questions please feel free to email me.

okay so also, i am in teh process of forgetting english, and i dont know how much longer i will be writing detailed blogs in english, so bare with me and my craziness haha.

last week was my brithday (woooooo 17!!!) and it was sooo awesome. at midnight like half of the population here called me and texted me and things, about 300 people wrote on my facebook page, and i was never alone for the entire weekend. at midnight, julia and my mom screamed feliz cumpleaños and showered me with hugs and kisses, then proceeded to give me my "first cake" which was an alfajor with a candle on top haha. then they gave me my present which was a purple mate set (totally wicked awesome), and my other present of course was the party. then my dad and my sister who live in san martin de los andes called, and wished me a happy brithday and what not. then around 1am, my friends marko polo and vidy came over to drink some mate. vidy gave me one of his volleyball jerseys and signed it and wrote a lot of nice things. then they finally left, because i told them i had to go to school for 10 minutes tomorrow haha. i went around 830 to say hi to all my school friends, and mom went with me to talk to the director about me recieving credit, so i went and they all sang happy brithday and i left and went home after about 10 minutes haha. then vidy came over again because he went home from school early, and we went for a walk. we went and bought maria paz (my twin, the girl who shares my birthday)'s present, and things, then we went back to my house and drank mate with julia for about 2 hours. took a nap, ate lunch, and then i went to maria paz's house with the girls to eat cake and play cards, then around 730 we went to the plaza. i met up with the guys for about 30 minutes, then went back home to help finalizing things for the party. around 9 everyone started coming over, family, friends, my next host family, maria luz's counsler, etc. etc. we ate pizza, and really awesome cake made by the cake maker julia haha. around 1230 we went to benedicto, but maria paz and i left around 4am because we were tired haha. it was an amazing day, i spent it all with my friends and family, it was really nice. then saturday was just like any other day, we went to the plaza, then went shoppping and bought some new clothes for going out. i came home, got ready, went to trapani with julia, then went to marilus house. around 2 am we went to benedicto, then around 3, we went to ozono. all in all it was a pretty awesome birthday, there are pictures on picasa, they really show the festivities quite well i would say haha.

everything is going really well here, i think i will skype soon with my family because someone told them i dont miss them and dont want to talk to them haha, that is nuts. anyways, thank you everyone for the birthday emails and what not, i am sure your cards are super cute, i love you all :)

in decemeber i am going to san martin de los andes for christmas and new years to visit my dad and sister and things, i am really excited, the food is supposed to be amazing, and since i have never met them, i am really excited to meet them. summer is almost here which is even more exciting :)

school is okay, my teachers are a little bit crazy in the fact that they want me to be some kind of freaky genius haha, so i had mom talk to the director and now everything should beokay. my spanish is getting a lot better, and my brain is kind of a mix of spanish and english and so i mix the two up when i talk now or i jsut make up words that dont exsit and i just sound crazy haha but it is really cool, i am learnign a lot faster then the other exchange kids in other coutnries beause i dont have the luxery of having a lot of friends who speak english. i have julia and javii and some of the girls. most of the people i talk to, all of their friends or family speak english, so it is nice because i am forced to communicate in spanish. i am really proud :)

coming up on 3 months here soon, woooooo :)

hope everything is well back home, love you all

email me :) aubrey@hethnet.com
un beso enrome